a few more tricks… and there is python…

So After a while of not posting anything new because of all the work and no play makes Avena a dully boy… I decided to share this neat trick, so I wanted to add a bunch of files after a merge of two repositories, but it was about 200 Files, and +400 other files changed so I said: “work smart, not harder” and this is it, a one liner not the brightest one liner I have ever written but it does the trick. This will add all of the files into svn on command line of course; because If I had use tortoise or any other gui wizardry that would have been cheating…

svn status | grep "?" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add

It is just awk magic with xargs, not rocket science but worth sharing in my point of view.

The other thing I wanted to write about is python. I have been more and more inclined to do work in python, mostly for my freelancing and hobby projects. And I came up with a very cool framework which I think is has a very bright future. I now introduce you… Kivy Framework …. It sounds like a catchy phrase a lot of people in my hometown used, “Kivy!” anyways… Kivy is an open source python library for cross platform development! Three important words in the last phrase: Python, open source, and cross platform; Well those last two are more like concepts so I correct myself “Three important concepts”*, anyways I have been just playing with it for a week and it is good, although the build tools for android and IOS are a little… How do I say it nicely?… Non Fancy. But the results are good. So I recommend it not fully just around 45%, since QT still has my heart in cross platform development and with the latest changes on the QT Creator; and the Android and IOS builders are more intuitive and descriptive than the ones for Kiby, I would still go for QT, only because I am more familiar with it. However I might change my mind as I get to work more with Kiby.

el_avena Off…